Wie kann ich eine Kennung für einen neuen Mitarbeiter anlegen?

Please first check whether your new user already has an LRZ account; if so, please refer to the following entry: A new employee already has an LRZ Account. Do I still have to create a new LRZ Account for him/her?

To create a new account, please select the menu item "Account | create" in the left-hand navigation bar of the Master User Services. You will now be guided through a series of individual form steps that will assist you in creating the new account:

  • First you must select whether it is a personal account or a functional account. Accounts for new employees are usually personal accounts. If you do not yet know the difference between the two types of accounts, the following entry provides a brief introduction: What are the types of LRZ accounts?
  • In the second step, you must enter the contact data of the new user - see also: Why do I have to enter the user's personal data when creating or editing an account?
  • The exact procedure for this second step depends primarily on whether the same user already has at least one other LRZ account.
  • In the following step, you can select the permissions with which the account should be equipped from the beginning. These settings can also be changed later at any time. However, the allocation of a new platform permission must not exceed the quota of the entire project - see also: What does the error message "The disk space is insufficient" mean?
  • You can then define the user's start password or have one randomly generated. If necessary, deselect the option "Generate random password" and enter the desired password twice. If, on the other hand, you have a random password generated, this will be displayed later in a summary (see also: Where to find the name and start password of a new account?).
  • If the new account has a permission to use the "Mail" or "Exchange" service, you can also set up an e-mail address. The default setting for this is "firstname.lastname@yourdomain", whereby you can change the left part as you wish. Please note that as a master user you cannot change this e-mail address later - only the user himself can do this via Self Services; see also: How to edit the email address(es) of an account?

At the end, you will be shown an overview of the newly set up account with all the data entered and the information about your project and its remaining quota. If necessary, you can print out this overview and keep it on file. Please provide the user with his login name and start password. He must first change this start password via the Self Services in the IDM portal so that the account becomes usable for him.

On this topic, see also: How long does it take before a newly created account can be used?

Please note: Master users from projects for LRZ supercomputers (SuperMUC-NG) do not have the option of creating new accounts. We refer here to I am a master user on high-performance systems (SuperMUC-NG). What are my options?