Wie soll ich mit meinem LRZ-Betreuer kommunizieren?

There are three ways to contact and communicate with the LRZ advisor responsible for your project:

  1. You log in to the LRZ Service Desk with your LRZ account, click on "New Incident" and select "Supporting services" > "User administration and directory services" in the service tree.
  2. In the master user services of the IDM portal
  3. You will find a web form under "Project → view/modify" in the "Permissions/Quotas" step, which you can use to request additional permissions for your project and send messages to your LRZ advisor.
  4. You can send an e-mail to your LRZ advisor.
  5. You can call your LRZ advisor.

You can find the telephone number and e-mail address of your advisor under Who is my LRZ advisor?

In general, we recommend contacting your LRZ advisor using the form (1) or by e-mail (3), as this implicitly documents correspondence and any resulting changes, e.g. to the project quota.

When contacting by telephone, please note that advisors will only make changes to your project if, in addition to a telephone enquiry, there is also a request via form (1) or e-mail (3). This is a rudimentary security measure in case someone should pretend to be you over the phone and request, for example, the resetting of passwords or the deletion of accounts.

Please also note that due to other activities, the LRZ advisors may sometimes be difficult to reach by telephone. In this case, please send an e-mail with your request or request for a callback.