Was ist eine Gruppe?

Technical groups for MWN-ADS (Active Directory) and other LRZ services can be created and managed in the new LRZ IDM portal 2. Access authorizations for LRZ services, e.g. HPC services, firewalls, are regulated by such groups. Access authorizations for services connected to the MWN-ADS, e.g. cloud storage, CIP pools and various portals, are regulated via ADS groups. Components of the group are

  • the LRZ service for which the group is used
  • an LRZ project the group is assigned to
  • a unique group name
  • a displayname of the group
  • the members of the group in the form of a list of account names or names of other groups
  • the group administrators who are responsible for maintaining the members.

The creation and management of ADS groups is described in the How to create or modify a group?