Wie lege ich eine ADS-Teiladmin-Kennung an?

The option to create partial-admin accounts is only set up in selected projects, see Why can't I create an ADS partial-admin account in my project?

If your project is enabled for partial-admin accounts, you can create partial-admin accounts in the same way as other accounts under "Account"→"Create" by clicking the corresponding checkbox for the account type. However, the number of partial-admin accounts is limited - usually 3 per project. If you need more partial-admin accounts, please inform the LRZ Service Desk.

Creating a subadmin ID as a master user

Log in as a master user and select the master user project in which you want to create your Teiladmin Kennung:

Select "Teiladmin Kennung" as the Kennungstyp via Kennungen.

You can set your own start password or use the automatically generated one. The user must use the start password to activate the Teiladmin Kennung later at https://idmportal2.sim.lrz.de/ before the Teiladmin Kennung can be used afterwards!

The Teiladmin Kennung must be assigned to a user. If the identifier is deactivated or deleted, the Teiladmin Kennung is also deactivated again. This is to prevent ownerless Teiladmin Kennungen.

In order for the Teiladmin Kennung to become active, the user to whom the identifier has been assigned must now log in to https://idmportal2.lrz.de/ with their personal identifier.

The start password must be changed for the Teiladmin Kennung assigned to him, only then will the subadmin ID be activated in the MWN ADS.