Wie beantrage ich eine neue oder eine andere E-Mail-Domain?

This article describes how new e-mail domains can be applied for in the context of LRZ projects. At the TU Munich, however, new domains should generally no longer be created in the LRZ user administration, but in TUMonline. As a TUM member, please contact the TUM IT-Support to apply for a new e-mail domain.

Otherwise, the following applies: Each LRZ project is assigned an e-mail domain that is used when creating e-mail addresses for accounts of this project. If a domain has not yet been applied for for the project (or the superordinate institution), the default setting is used, e.g. lrz.uni-muenchen.de for projects of LMU Munich. Which domain is used for your project is shown in the "Project data", which you can access via the item "Account | view/modify" in the left navigation bar.

E-mail domains can be assigned at project or institution level, and in the latter case apply to all institutions and projects below. Before applying for a new domain, you should therefore clarify internally for which areas - project(s), institution(s) - the domain should apply.

New domains usually have to be approved by the person responsible for them at the institution (e.g. LMU Munich, TU Munich) - see the article Verwendung eigener Domainnamen (German only).

As soon as this approval has been obtained, you can apply for the new email domain via the LRZ Service Desk (service "E-Mail and Groupware"). The following information is required:

  • Name of the desired email domain and also the name of an email domain alias (if needed).
    Note on this: The email domain alias is mainly the short or long form of the primary email domain in order to be accessible under both variants (e.g. alias lehrstuhl.uni-muenchen.de to the domain lehrstuhl.lmu.de). If an alias is desired, this must of course also be approved.
  • Project(s) or institution(s) for which the new e-mail domain is to apply
    If the domain is to apply not only to your project(s), but to an entire institution (e.g. institute, faculty), we also require written confirmation from the head of the institution.

If your institution requires approval of the requested email domain, please attach it to your application.