Was müssen Master-User und Benutzende bei der zentralen Umstellung auf Exchange für lmu.de tun?

During the gradual central conversion of LMU accounts to Exchange for lmu.de, most things are handled automatically. What remains to be done for users or master users (immediately after the changeover or optionally at some later point) is described here.

All you need to do is read these info boxes. The graphics and screenshots serve as explanations and for a more precise technical understanding.

The changeover depends on the previous mail permissions of an account. There are essentially 4 constellations:

 Exchange on LMU Account

→ Affects LMU accounts that already have an exchange of master users with an institute mail address.

(Haken) These accounts have for the most part already been converted, i.e.:

  • The forwarding from lmu.de to the institute's e-mail address has been deleted.
  • The lmu.de address is now a mail alias for the Exchange mailbox.
  • The Exchange permission is visible in the LMU portal/Benutzerkonto and in the LMU helpdesk tool.

In the vast majority of cases, no actions by the master user or user are or were necessary. I.e. they remain:

  • same settings in the mail programme
  • same Webmailer
  • same account
  • no migration of the mailbox content necessary

Mailin-Mail on LRZ Account (= Second Account, Master-User-Account)

 → Affects LMU accounts that have neither Exchange nor Mailin-Mail and whose lmu.de forwarding directs to another LRZ account (second account) or a mail address outside the LRZ mail systems.

  1. After the changeover to Exchange, master users and users do not have to change or convert anything for the time being!
  2. User can activate the use of the Exchange mailbox sometime later (mail delivery to the Exchange mailbox).

N.B.: In the following examples, "lrz.uni-muenchen.de" is used as an example for faculty/institute mail addresses. These can also be other mail addresses assigned by the master user with domains such as kaththeol.uni-muenchen.de, evtheol.uni-muenchen.de, jura.uni-muenchen.de, econ.uni-muenchen.de, biologie.uni-muenchen.de, bio.lmu.de.


  • lmu.de is simply forwarding to lrz.uni-muenchen.de on a different account.
    In the IDM-Portal 2, this can be recognised by the fact that, apart from the LMU forwarding, no mailbox (Exchange mailbox or Mailin mailbox) is displayed with the LMU Account.

After the changeover to Exchange:

  • lmu.de is still forwarded to lrz.uni-muenchen.de.
  • Neither users nor master users have to change anything!

Clean up (later, optional): Switch to using the Exchange mailbox

  • Master user or User orders the migration to Exchange at the LRZ Service Desk (https://servicedesk.lrz.de).
  • LRZ performs the following actions at the agreed date:
    • importiers imports the LMU account into the LRZ project (if necessary),
    • moves the lrz.uni-muenchen.de mail address to the LMU account.
  • User must set up a new configuration in the mail programme or use the webmailer https://xmail.mwn.de to access the Exchange mailbox. See also What must be considered for Exchange in the Mail-Clients at LMU?
  • User copies the old mails, i.e. the contents of the previous Mailin mailbox, into the Exchange mailbox. This can be done most conveniently in the IDM portal, or also by drag & drop in the Mail client, see Umzug auf Exchange.
  • The mail permission on the LRZ account usually has an expiry date of 3 months and is automatically deleted after this time.
    • Master user can change this expiry date in the IDM portal or delete it altogether.

This migration can be than by the Master user and User themselves, without LRZ. However, the procedure is more complicated: How can the mailbox with faculty mail address be moved to the LMU account?

 Exchange on LRZ Account (= Second Account, Master-User-Account)

→ Affects LMU accounts whose owners have a second LRZ account with Exchange permission.

(Warnung)  These accounts cannot be changed at present.

  • Reason: Outlook would use the token from the Windows logon for the Exchange logon; access to the mailbox of the other account would not be possible.
  • There will probably be a completely automatic changeover (implementation is not yet ready on the LRZ side), in which the mailbox will also be automatically reassigned.

  • User must configure the LMU instead of the LRZ account in the Mail client, or use the LMU instead of the LRZ account in the webmailer as of the changeover.
  • Master users do not have to do anything - except help the users if necessary because of the above point.

Mailin-Mail on LMU Account

→ Affects LMU accounts that have Mailin-Mail permission to date.

  1. After the changeover to Exchange, user must use the webmailer https://xmail.mwn.de or the incoming mail server in the mail client xmail.mwn.de (instead of mailin.lrz.de)!
  2. (Warnung) It may be that logins with "First name.Last name@lmu.de", for example on the MWN-PC, no longer work. But then the login works with the user name such as "ru43sos" ("LRZ Account" according to LMU-Portal/Benutzerkonto). 
  3. Master users do not have to do anything - except help the user if necessary because of the previous two points.


  • lmu.de is forwarding to lrz.uni-muenchen.de, i.e. to the Mailin Mailbox on the same account.
    In the IDM-Portal 2, you can see that in addition to the LMU forwarding, a Mailin maibox is also displayed for the account.

Immediately after the changeover to Exchange:

  • Mails to lmu.de and also to lrz.uni-muenchen.de are delivered to the newly created Exchange mailbox.
  • The Mailin mailbox still exists.
    • No more new mails arrive in this mailbox.
    • User can still access the Mailin mailbox in the mail client or webmailer; however, no longer with the maildress lrz.uni-muenchen.de, but with the LMU user name such as "ri42sos".
  • User must set up a new configuration in the mail programme or use the webmailer https://xmail.mwn.de to access the Exchange mailbox. 
  • (Warnung) It may be that logins with "first_name.last_name@lmu.de" no longer work (for example on the MWN-PC). But then the login works with the user name such as "ri42sos". 

Clean up (later, optional):

  • User copies the old mails, i.e. the contents of the previous Mailin mailbox, into the Exchange mailbox. This can be done most conveniently in the IDM portal, or also by drag & drop in the Mail client, see Umzug auf Exchange