Konfiguration mehrerer Nodes auf einem System


Configuration of multiple nodes on one system:

  1. You create a new .opt file for the nth node you want to access, in this case I would call it <nodename>.opt (example Server1.opt and Server2.opt).
    You then configure the new <nodename>.opt file on the second node as described here: The (extended) configuration under Windows 
  2. Open cmd as administrator and change with cd C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient to the path of the SP client.
    Now you can start the TSM GUI for the new node with the command dsm -optfile=server1.opt and with dsmc -optfile=server1.opt the TSM Commandline.
    Of course you can create a shortcut of dsm.exe (located in the path C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient) for the desktop and then specify -optfile=server1.opt as parameter.

Configure multiple automatic backups on one system:

  1. You basically follow these instructions: Automatic backup on Windows 
  2. You enter the node name after the service name during the service setup through the wizard from 1. - (this is how the service is also displayed under Windows services) and then you also have to specify the corresponding config file of the node.


Configuration of multiple nodes on one system:

In the dsm.sys both nodes must be entered (but the configuration per node must correspond to our recommendation → The (extended) configuration under Unix ) :


SErvername nodename1
Nodename nodename1
TCPServeraddress tsm.abs.lrz.de
TCPPort 1500
COMMmethod TCPip
DOMAIN /mnt/test1
passworda generate
*** comment node 2
SErvername nodename2
Nodename nodename2
TCPServeraddress tsm.abs.lrz.de
TCPPort 1500
COMMmethod TCPip
DOMAIN /mnt/test1
passworda generate

In the dsm.opt both server names must be specified:


SErvername nodename1

SErvername nodename2

Now you can start the commandline for node1 with dsmc -servername=nodename1 or with dsmc -servername=node1 . Of course, the whole thing also works with dsmj (graphical GUI) → dsmj -servername=node1 and dsmj -servername=nodename2.

Configuration of multiple automatic backups on one system with systemctl:

  1. You need to create a separate configuration file with <nodename>.opt for each configured node
  2. Copy the script /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad.service to /etc/systemd/system , if this has not already been done by installing the ISP client.
  3. Copy the /etc/systemd/system/dsmcad.service script for each node and name it dsmcad-<nodename>.service according to the following scheme so e.g. dsmcad-nodename1.service , dsmcad-nodename2.service and so on.
  4. Make a reload of the systemctl service with systemctl daemon-reload
  5. Modify respective script of nodes as follows:
    The line with the command:
    is replaced by the following (where the path from the optfile corresponds to the path to the respective nodeconfig):
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dsmcad -optfile=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmnode.opt
  6. Add each service to the autostart:
    systemctl enable dsmcad-<nodename>.service
  7. Start and stop and status of services 
    systemctl start dsmcad-<nodename>.service
    systemctl stop dsmcad-<nodename>.service
    systemctl status dsmcad-<nodename>.service