Größenbeschränkung für Filesystem-Daten (Quotum)


This page explains the quota and has tipps for avoidung to reach it.

The filesystem web space is the home directory of the functional account used to operate and manage your website. The home directory also contains your website's document root. This is the reason your home directory is also accessible on all servers of the same HTTP daemon pool (see below) and on the access server.

A hard size limit applies to all data in the home directory, i.e. the total data volume on the file system cannot exceed a certain amount. This restriction is primarily intended to prevent the occupied disk space from growing arbitrarily in the event of an error situation.

All data in the home directory counts towards the quota. For example, older versions of a software package, backups, log data or caches that you create manually or that are created automatically by a PHP application (e.g. a content management system) will fill up your quota.


To avoid reaching the quota, consider doing the following:

  • Get an overview of whether your website accumulates data that grows continuously over time where there is no need to keep it in the long run.
  • Clean up such data regularly or at least when needed.
    Fortunately, many of the larger PHP applications have a configurable mechanism that cleans up such files automatically.