Antrag auf ein LRZ-Projekt

In order to determine if an LRZ project is necessary for using LRZ services and to learn about the master users' role, please read this article first:

Assignment of Accounts by Master Users.

Please proceed as follows for the project application, depending on the institution submitting the project application:

  1. Fill in the form Antrag auf ein LRZ-Projekt.
  2. Save the application form.
  3. Submit the application as incident (service request) to the LRZ-Servicedesk:

  4. N.B. on page 3: Stamp and signature are required only if the incident is not submitted by LRZ head or department head.
  1. Fill in the form Antrag auf ein LRZ-Projekt.
  2. Save the application form.
  3. Send the application as PDF file via e-mail to Mr Schwarz, (BAdW Referat Digitale Infrastruktur)
  4. N.B. on page 3: Stamp and signature are not required.
  1. Fill in the form Antrag auf ein LRZ-Projekt
      N.B. on page 1: LMU-Gliederungsnummer/Kostenstelle (LMU cost centre number) must be filled in.
  2. Save the application form.
  3. If the application will not submitted by the institution head as an incident in the following step 4:
    → Print out the application, add the stamp and signature of the institution head, scan in the application.
  4. Submit the application as incident (service request) to the LRZ-Servicedesk in advance:

  1. Fill in the form Antrag auf ein LRZ-Projekt
      N.B. on page 1: TUM Org-ID must be filled in.
  2. Save the application form.
  3. If the application will not submitted by the institution head as an incident in the following step 4:
    → Print out the application, add the stamp and signature of the institution head, scan in the application.
  4. Submit the application as incident (service request) to the LRZ-Servicedesk in advance:

  1. Antrag auf ein LRZ-Projekt ausfüllen.
  2. Save the application form.
  3. Submit the application as incident (service request) to the LRZ-Servicedesk in advance:

  4. Print the application form.
  5. Have the applicaction form stamped and signed by the head of your institution on page 3.
  6. Scan the application form.
  7. Submit the application as incident (service request) to the LRZ-Servicedesk:

Please use the following application form: