

We have terminated our Maintenance Contract for this software, therefore we cannot provide a recent version of Amira any more. Amira is no longer installed on any LRZ computer. There still exists a license of the version 2022.2, but we cannot guarantee any reliable accessibility of this license. Please contact Dreer_AT_lrz_DOT_de, if you urgently need Amira.

General information

Amira is a modular software package for the visualization and analysis of scientific data. The user can assemble his application from individual software modules in a graphical user interface or via script, which is used to display, analyze and process his data. The focus is on applications from the life sciences and medicine, but the software can also be used in other fields, as Amira contains a broad repertoire of basic visualization techniques.

Here is a selection of the features that Amira offers:

  • Reading of single images and image stacks
  • Support for image registration and image processing in 2D and 3D
  • Aids for model reconstruction from 3D image data (serial section reconstruction) with generation of triangular surfaces or tetrahedral grids
  • Surface reconstruction from measuring points
  • Volume visualization
  • Segmentation Editor
  • Filament Editor
  • Skeletonization
  • General visualization techniques for polygons, volume data, flows etc.
  • Coupling with Matlab for calculations
  • Virtual Reality - representation of models
  • Control of applications through a scripting language
  • Extensibility through C++ programming

Using Amira

Successful working with Amira urgently requires an initial training. The chapter "Getting Started" and the following tutorials in the Amira Users' Guide (see section "Documentation") can be a good source of information. You will also find information on how to import data.
You can find videos about the training from the manufacturer here:  Thermo Fisher Scientific Learning Center


The Amira documentation can be accessed in a session via the Help menu. The manuals and further information can also be downloaded from the manufacturer's website (Amira page of Thermo Fisher Scientific). Unfortunately, there is no direct link to the extensive (50 MB!) User's Guide on this page, but you can search for it by using the keyword "Amira" (choose "All Documents & Support" first) on top of the page. This will result in a list of manuals for different versions, here the list from 12.10.2021: List of Amira manuals). If you only want to read the manual, you won't block the license this way.


If you have questions  regarding Amira, please contact Jutta Dreer (Dreer_AT_lrz_PUNKT_en) or the service desk of the LRZ at