5. Backup und Restore ald

Note: A detailed description of the configuration can be found in the TSM Best Practice Guide (PDF)

Backup of files

As a rule, data backup is performed by so-called incremental backups, which run automatically at fixed intervals. 
With incremental backup, all files of a file system/drive that have changed since the last backup run are backed up. This can be achieved explicitly with the command:

incremental mountpoint/laufwerk

Example (Windows):

dsmc incremental C:

Example (Unix):

dsmc incremental /home/

backs up all files changed since the last backup run from drive C.

How to set up a regular automatic backup is described in the Configuration section.

To save specific files, regardless of whether they have been modified or not, use the command

select dateiname

It is possible to specify the same options for specifying the files as described in the Archiving section.

Example (Windows):

dsmc select "C:\home\*"

Example (Unix):

dsmc select "/home/meier/diplomarbeit/*"

Caution: Repeatedly calling this command will overwrite older versions of the files, so to speak.

Display of the backed up files

Show list of all file areas:

dsmc query filespace

The saved files can be displayed with the following command:

query backup -subdir=yes [ -inactive ] "filespace"

Display all files in the /home file area:

dsmc query backup -subdir=yes "/home/*"

returns a display of all backed up files in the /home directory, but only those that are still active, i.e. were still to be found in the user directory at the time of the last backup, i.e. were not yet deleted by the user. Older versions can only be seen if the option "inactive" is additionally specified.

Caution: This command can take a long time and produce long outputs. So here you should ask more specific, e.g.

dsmc query backup -inactive "ban*"

which will give you all versions of all files in the current directory whose names start with "ban".

Deleting backed up files

If you are interested in a deletion authorisation, please contact the LRZ-Servicedesk.

Restore a backed up file

A saved file (or several if the specified filename is a wildcard expression) is restored with the command

restore -replace=yes/no -latest backupdatei zieldatei

The description of retrieving archived files applies analogously; the "latest" option not present there means that the most recent version is to be restored, regardless of whether it is active or not. With the option "ifnewer" it is also possible to specify that the restoration should be omitted if a newer version already exists in the directory. It is also possible to specify a time interval in which the backup must have taken place in order to restore to older versions.


dsmc restore -replace=yes -latest .profile
dsmc restore -replace=no -todate=17/11/1995 .profile

However, if you don't want to have the latest version, in most cases you will resort to the graphical interface as the most convenient option.