305 - Anbinden des Cloud Storages mit verschiedenen Kennungen

Error message: Network folder already connected

Unfortunately, it is not possible to create several connections with different accounts to the cloud storage nas.ads.mwn.de in parallel with Windows. If you try to do this, you will get the error message "This network folder is currently connected using a different name and password...".

Check with which account there is already a connection

If you want to check which account is currently used to connect to the cloud storage, open Windows Explorer and enter the UNC path \\nas.ads.mwn.de of the cloud storage in the address bar. You will then find the identifier of the currently connected user in the folders with a "~" in front of it.

Workaround: Connect cloud storage with multiple accounts

There is a workaround how you can still connect the cloud storage with multiple identifiers. Since the name nas.ads.mwn.de is already occupied for the connection, you can work with the alternative FQDN nas.mwn.de of the cloud storage and use this to establish further connections with other user names. If this is not enough for you, you can also use the IP addresses of the cloud storage. You can resolve them using the "nslookup nas.mwn.de" command. However, we do not recommend this, since the addresses can change at any time and individual addresses may also be unavailable due to maintenance work.