3. ISP konfigurieren

Note: A detailed description of the configuration can be found in the ISP Best Practice Guide (PDF)

Tips for configuring multiple nodes on one system can be found here: Configuration of multiple nodes

The (extended) configuration under Unix

After the installation some changes to the configuration are necessary, which can be done either via the graphical interface (Edit -> Preferences) or by editing the configuration files directly.
Under Unix, editing is the more common way and will therefore be described briefly here.

The configuration files are located in the installation directory (/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/) and are called dsm.sys or dsm.opt.
The main entries are in the dsm.sys file, which can only be written from root, while dsm.opt contains optional attributes that can be freely selected by each user.
The port number and server name will be emailed to you in response to your DATWeb registration request and must then be entered into dsm.sys, including the node name.
The content of the dsm.sys for the node TESTNODEUNIX, the server name SXX.abs.lrz.de and the server port 2500 should look like this for Unix systems:

*### Servername is freely selectable. It only must be the same as in the dsm.opt. Our Recommendation is to call it as the NODENAME
*### Configuration for the Connection to the TSM/ISP Server
nodename         TESTNODEUNIX
tcpserveraddress sXX.abs.lrz.de
tcpport          XXXX
*### Please uncomment pwgen (with *) before the first login, only necessary if the Node password has not been changed yet.
*### Include Exlude List is necessary to choose which
inclexcl /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.excl.local
*###Setting for the automatic Backup service
managedservices schedule
*###Logfile Location
ERRORLOGName /var/log/dsmerror.log
SCHEDLOGName /var/log/dsmsched.log
*###Logpruning after 7 Days
schedlogretention 7 D
errorlogretention 7 D

The content of dsm.opt should then look like that:

*### Servername is set to the same as in the dsm.sys that the ISP Client knows which Settings belong to which node
*### This Option must be set if Subdirectorys should be backuped too
SUbdir yes
*###  Specify which partitions you want to Backup
domain /media/test
domain /home/administrator

Exclude or include folders and files via the inclexcl file:

Furthermore, in dsm.sys you can specify the path name to a file with so-called include/exclude statements, via which files/directories can be explicitly excluded from the backup:

inclexcl /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.excl.local

The entries of the folders and files to be excluded are written to the file /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.excl.local in the above example.
For more information and examples on how to include and exclude directories and files, click here: INCLUDE-EXCLUDE

The configuration under MAC OSX

The ISP client may only be started under MAC using the TSM Tools for Administrators, otherwise various errors may occur.

Please note that the option passwordaccess generate must be set (Navigate in the ISP GUI → Edit → Clientvorgaben → Berechtigung and select the following settings: Kennwort generieren, Chiffrierschlüsselkennwort lokal sichern, 128-Bit-AES oder 256-Bit-AES and save the settings with Anwenden und Ok).

The (extended) configuration under Windows

Non-savvy ISP users follow these instructions: Configuration via the ISP Wizard.

Changes to the ISP configuration can be made either via the graphical interface (Editieren -> Vorgaben) or by directly editing the configuration file dsm.opt.

The port number and server name will be emailed to you in response to your DATWeb registration request and must then be entered into dsm.sys including the node name.
The content of the  dsm.opt for the node TESTNODEWIN, the server name SXX.abs.lrz.de and the server port 2400 should look like this on Windows systems:

Advanced configuration

The configuration file dsm.opt is located in the installation directory → C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient
Your dsm.opt configuration file looks something like this after the basic configuration:

TCPPORT          2400

Please now extend your configuration file with the entries that are missing. You can also use the comments with * in front of them for an overview.

TCPPORT          2400
*### define your domains (partitions) that should be backuped
DOMAIN "\\testpc\c$"
*### Please uncomment pwgen (with *) before the first login, only necessary if the Node password has not been changed yet.
*### Logpruning after 7 Days
*### Setting for the automatic Backup service
*### Exclude Windows and Program directory's
EXCLUDE.DIR "C:\Windows\Temp"
EXCLUDE.DIR "C:\Windows\System32"
EXCLUDE.DIR "C:\Users\...\AppData"
EXCLUDE.DIR "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender"
EXCLUDE.DIR "C:\ProgramData\Sophos"
EXCLUDE.DIR "C:\System Volume Information"
EXCLUDE.DIR "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles"
*### Use VSS to increase the chance that the files could be backuped while they are opened in any program
*### Avoid problems with Permissions of data

Exclude or include folders and files via INCLUDE and EXLUDE:

For more information about including and excluding directories and files, click here: INCLUDE-EXCLUDE

Automatic backup

General Notice: When registering the node, you must indicate that you want to use the facility (in a specific time window). However, you can also do this at any time by formulating your request in an Incident via the LRZ-Servicedesk.

Before you set up the automatic backup, please start a manual backup as described under point 5. Backup und Restore so that the password is stored.


Under Windows, the scheduler is installed as a service, either via the ISP Wizard (Dienstprogramme -> Setup-Assistent) or the command interface (Sichern-Archivieren - Befehlszeile) dsmcutil in the installation directory.

Procedure via the ISP Wizard:

Start the ISP GUI -> Dienstprogramme -> Setup Assistent -> Hilfe zum Konfigurieren des ISP-Client-Schedulers -> weiter -> weiter -> Neuen oder zusätzlichen Scheduler installieren -> weiter -> weiter -> weiter -> ISP Kennwort eingeben und den Haken setzen -> weiter -> Systemkonto und Automatisch, beim Booten von Windows -> weiter -> weiter -> ja -> weiter

Now a new log file named dsmsched.log has been created in your C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient directory (may take 1-2 minutes).

IMPORTANT!: Please check if there is an entry in your dsmsched.log and your client has received the schedule from the server. How do I check that?


Under Linux there are two different ways to start the automatic backup.

With the Bourne Shell of Unix you can start the scheduler like this:

nohup dsmc schedule > /dev/null 2>&1

Please note that the process must run under root and the passwordaccess generate option must be set.

To start the scheduler automatically under UNIX when booting the system, the start command must either be included in an rc file or the following command must be added to the file "/etc/inittab":

ISP::once:/pfad/zu/dsmc sched > /dev/null 2>&1

Of course, you can also run the above command from a cron job under Unix and thus design your backup strategy quite individually. In this case, however, there is no way for us to notify you in case of an error, to notify you in case of an error.

The ISP Acceptor Daemon (scheduler service) for new Linux distributions based on systemctl (SLES15 etc. but not Debian/Ubuntu!) is set up as follows:

  • All the following commands must be executed as root
  • In the dsm.sys (default path /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin) enter "passwordaccess generate" and "managedservices schedule
  • Now the Acceptor daemon can be started (systemctl start dsmcad.service), stopped (systemctl stop dsmcad.service), restarted (systemctl restart dsmcad.service) or the status can be queried (systemctl status dsmcad.service) via the command line
  • Run a command like dsmc query sess to save the password for the node
  • That the service is started at system start in the future, this must be entered in systemctl:
    systemctl enable dsmcad.service

IMPORTANT!: Please check if there is an entry in your dsmsched.log and your client has received the schedule from the server.  How do I check that?

The ISP Acceptor Daemon (scheduler service) for older Linux distributions based on init.d (not Debian/Ubuntu!) is set up as follows:

  • All the following commands must be executed as root
  • In the dsm.sys (default path /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin) enter "passwordaccess generate" and "managedservices schedule
  • Now the Acceptor Daemon can be started (service dsmcad start), stopped (service dsmcad stop), restarted (service dsmcad restart) or the status can be queried (service dsmcad status) via the command line
  • Run a command like dsmc query sess to save the password for the node
  • That the service is started at system startup in the future, this entry must be added to /etc/inittab:
    cad::once:/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad >/dev/null 2>&1

IMPORTANT!: Please check if there is an entry in your dsmsched.log and your client has received the schedule from the server. How do I check that?

The ISP Acceptor Daemon (scheduler service) for new Debian/Ubuntu distributions is set up like this:

  • All the following commands must be executed as root
  • In the dsm.sys (default path /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin) enter "passwordaccess generate" and "managedservices schedule
  • In the command line "systemctl enable dsmcad.service" (autostart the service) and "systemctl start dsmcad.service" to start the service

IMPORTANT!: Please check if there is an entry in your dsmsched.log and your client has received the schedule from the server. How do I check that?

The ISP Acceptor Daemon (scheduler service) for older Debian/Ubuntu distributions is set up like this:

  • All the following commands must be executed as root
  • In the dsm.sys (default path /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin) enter "passwordaccess generate" and "managedservices schedule
  • In the command line enter "chmod a+x /etc/init.d/dsmcad" and "update-rc.d dsmcad defaults".
  • Now run the command "dsmc q f" and enter your node password
  • Now start the ISP Acceptor Daemon with "/etc/init.d/dsmcad start".
    If you get the error "dsmcad start this distribution is not supported" when starting the ISP Acceptor Daemon, 
    then edit the file rc.dsmcad under "/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin" and replace the string "redhat-release" in the if condition with "debian_version".
  • That the service is started at system startup in the future, this entry must be added to /etc/inittab:
    cad::once:/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad >/dev/null 2>&1

IMPORTANT!: Please check if there is an entry in your dsmsched.log and your client has received the schedule from the server. How do I check that?


Note: When registering the node, you must specify that you want to use the facility (in a specific time window). However, you can also do this at any time by formulating your request in an incident via the  LRZ-Servicedesk. Please note that the passwordaccess generate option must be set (Navigate in the ISP GUI → Edit → Clientvorgaben → Berechtigung and select the following settings: Kennwort generieren, Chiffrierschlüsselkennwort lokal sichern, 128-Bit-AES oder 256-Bit-AES and save the settings with Anwenden und Ok).

  • Open the Tivoli Storage Manager folder
  • Launch TSM Tools for Administrators/IBM Spectrum Protect Tool for Administrators
  • Then select Start Client Acceptor Daemon
  • After you have pressed OK your local administrative password will be requested. After you have authenticated yourself correctly, the scheduler will be started and you will receive a corresponding confirmation.
  • The ISP Scheduler will create two log files in the folder /Library/Logs/tivoli/tsm/:
    dsmsched.log Log file for all scheduled backups
    dsmerror.log Log file for all backups

IMPORTANT!: Please check if there is an entry in your dsmsched.log and your client has received the schedule from the server. How do I check that?

Check if the scheduler service of the automatic backup is working

The entry in the dsmsched.log then looks like this, for example:

IBM Spectrum Protect-Client für Sichern/Archivieren Version 8, Release 1, Stufe 6.0 
Server wird nach dem nächsten geplanten Ereignis abgefragt.
Sitzung hergestellt mit Server SXX: Linux/x86_64
Serverversion 7, Realease 1, Stufe 7.300
Serverdatum/-zeit: Letzer Zugriff: 02.10.2018 10:18:16

Nächste geplante Operation:
Zeitplan:              WD0900
Aktion:                Incremental
Server-Fensterstart:   09:00:00 am 03.10.2018
Zeitplan wird aktualisiert in 1 Stunde.

If the entry in the dsmsched.log does not look like this, then please check your dsmerror.log for errors. If you cannot find a solution, please contact our LRZ-Servicedesk with your request.

Email notification about the status of the automatic backup (operating system independent)

To keep track of your automatic backups of your nodes, you can enable email notification for each node in DATWeb. To do this, double-click on the node on which you want to activate the email notification and then click on Change Node Details in the upper right corner.

Now select the desired notification method at Backup-Emails: or Backup-Emails: (Aux.):. Unsuccessful Backup means that you will only receive an email if the backup did not run or was completed with errors. Daily means that you will receive an email every day, regardless of whether the backup was successful or not.