Wo finde ich Name und Startpasswort einer neuen Kennung?

The menu item "Account | create" in the Master User Services extends over several steps, the last of which with input option is the step "E-mail address". After this last step, a summary is displayed, which also contains the name of the newly created account. In this summary you will also be shown the start password in plain text, but only if you have chosen the option "Random password". If you have entered the start password for the new account twice by hand, it will no longer be displayed.

For the start passwords of newly created accounts, the same boundary conditions apply as for password changes by master users, which are described under the following point: One of my users has forgotten his/her password. What do I have to do?

With the start password, the user must first log in to the IDM portal via Self Services under the URL https://idmportal2.lrz.de and is then immediately prompted to change this start password again in order to activate the account.