Webhosting – Website beantragen

There are a certain requirements to fulfill if you would like to host a website with us, and some preparatory work will have to be done. These preparatory actions usually take a few days to complete, but in some cases may also take up to several weeks. This page gives step-by-step instruction.


Please note

We will sometimes send emails concerning your website and/or our hosting environment to the owner of the website's functional account. Please make sure to read these emails as they contain important information.


There are two prerequisites for a website: a functional account and a domain name. These have to be organised by you in advance. The Webhosting Team can only give information. We have sub-pages with details for each prerequisite.

  1. A functional account is required to host a website with us. It also serves as proof of your permission to receive a website in our hosting environment.
  2. A website needs a domain name.

The special case when a site should be reworked or migrated is treated on a seperate page. 

Creating a new website

Preparatory actions (can be done in parallel)

  1. Get a new (blauer Stern) LRZ functional account to be used with your new website.
  2. Get one or more (blauer Stern) DNS names (more than one if your website is to be accessible via one or more aliases). Usually, institutions outside the LRZ will have to be involved for this (e.g. your university or research institute) to approve your desired website name(s). It may take several days or weeks until all parties involved have agreed on the future website's name(s).

Please note

Before requesting the website itself, the website's DNS names have to be configured correctly.

Requesting the website

  1. Request your website via the (blauer Stern) Servicedesk using the authenticated variant and state answers to the following:
    1. Functional account to be used with your website
    2. DNS name for your website
    3. DNS aliases (optional)
    4. Your organisation (TUM, LMU, or other)
    5. Will you need a MySQL database for your planned web application?
    6. New projects might benefit from a higher version than the standard: please specify. 
  2. The LRZ web hosting team will review your request and create your website if everything looks okay (usually within one to two business days).
  3. You will receive an email about your website's creation and may then proceed to create your website content. See Access options to learn how to do this.

Keep your website safe and secure!

  • LRZ only acts as a website hoster, meaning that you as the functional account's owner are fully responsible for creating and maintaining your website contents. (We do, however, keep backups of the files on the filesystem. Continue reading for more information.)
  • If you install a PHP-based web application like Wordpress, we urge you to make regular updates and to install recent security patches in order to keep your website secure.
  • In the event of a security incident (e.g. an attack or copyright infringement), LRZ reserves the right to proactively deactivate your website. We will of course inform you of the problem so that you may take remedial action.

The MySQL database (optional)

You may receive up to one MySQL database for use with your website's web application.

The database name consists of the name of the website's functional account and the suffix "db1". Example: ab12xyzdb1.

Information on how to access your database will be sent to you via email.

It is also possible to receive a database after your website has already been created. In this case, please create a new authenticated incident via the LRZ servicedesk and request your database while stating the functional account pertaining to your website and, possibly, the website's DNS name.