Was macht ein LRZ-Betreuer?

Each LRZ project has exactly one LRZ advisor assigned to it, who serves as the LRZ contact person for all issues related to LRZ user administration for the master users.

For example, your LRZ advisor handles requests to change the project quota, can help you with questions about the IDM portal, and can update all data about your institution and project to which you do not have write access in the IDM portal. For more information, see the entries Who is my LRZ advisor? and How should I communicate with my LRZ advisor? 

Please note that your LRZ advisor is usually not the right person to contact if you have difficulties using a particular service. In this case, please contact LRZ Servicedesk. Furthermore, in the role of the master user, you are the contact person for the users in your project. They should therefore contact you, but not the LRZ advisor, if they have any problems with their account. For direct inquiries, users are referred to their master users.