Warum kann ich keine persönlichen Kennungen mehr anlegen?

This can have two causes:

A) Account quota:

Check under "Project | View/Modify | [Permissions/Quotas]" whether the account quotas for your project is exhausted. If so, apply there for an increase in the quota.

B) Import of the LMU Account:

In projects "with import of LMU accounts" you cannot create new personal accounts.
Instead, you "import" LMU (user) IDs into your project. These are accounts that are created and managed in the LMU directory service. LMU user IDs

  • are automatically issued to students and staff who are listed in the LMU student or staff administration.,
  • can be obtained by other LMU members and guests by registering with the respective IT Operations Team at LMU.

You can find the option to import an LMU Account in the IDM portal on the left under "Account | import".

Account not found:

If you are not offered the desired account for import when searching via last name and first name, this may be due to the fact that the account has already been imported by another Master User into another project.

In these cases, you have the following options:

  1. Ask your advisor whether the account has already been imported into another project and which master user is responsible. Please clarify with this master user in which project the account should best be located and whether the advisor should move the account to your project.
  2. If it turns out that the person does indeed need a second account, proceed as follows How do users in projects with account import get a second account?

Note: Functional accounts as well as Exchange distribution lists and ADS partial-admin accounts can be created as usual in the IDM portal directly via the "Account | create".