Warum kann ich keine ADS-Teiladmin-Kennung in meinem Projekt anlegen?

ADS-Partial-Admin Accounts (for the Partial-Admin portal and for administration of the LRZ Cloud Storage) can only be created in projects that have been specifically enabled by the LRZ for this purpose. The aim is that all partial-admin accounts are collected in the "main" project of an institution and thus the overview at the institution is maintained.

In addition, the number of partial-admin accounts per project is very limited so that coordination among the partial-admins is not too complicated.

If your institution does not yet have project permission for partial-admin accounts, please apply for them at the LRZ Service Desk.

Teiladmins for the TUM are managed exclusively by TUM IT Support and cannot be managed via the LRZ user administration.  Please contact the TUM IT support here.