CUDA-Q (Nvidia)
CUDA-Q is a programming model and a toolchain to exploit quantum acceleration in heterogeneous applications; it is available both in C++ and Python.
As acceleration entities, it targets both NVIDIA GPGPUs, via the NVIDIA cuQuantum SDK, as well as real QPUs. Regarding offloading on GPGPUs, because of cuQuantum SDK, the only compatible NVIDIA architectures are from Volta onwards.
CUDA-Q is a C++ language extension and it introduces, among other entities, new types to deal with qudits and quantum gates; it is thus possible to implement quantum circuits, which are then executed by so-called quantum kernels. C++ programs are then compiled and linked using the CUDA-Q toolchain which is comprised of a dedicated C++ compiler; such compiler is realized using industry-standard LLVM compilation framework, and a set of dedicated libraries.
Project website / official documentation
NVIDIA Development Team
Apache 2.0
Current version/version supported by LRZ
Supported HPC systems
Here we describe how to install CUDA-Q on the LRZ AI System, both in the case of C++ and Python.
In the case of C++, it is necessary to deploy a Docker container; such a container is provided for free by NVIDIA in the NVIDIA NGC Catalog container registry. However, on any HPC system, and this includes the LRZ AI System, the following constraints have to be considered:
- Docker is not available for security reasons
On the LRZ AI System is available the NVIDIA enroot
container engine, which provides the functionality to convert and run Docker containers into Squash file format.
A pre-condition to have enroot
available as a command, is to be logged in a compute node equipped with one of the available NVIDIA GPGPUs; as an example here we give the command to reserve one GPU on an NVIDIA Ampere DGX:
salloc -p lrz-dgx-a100-80x8 --gres=gpu:1 --time=1:00:00
Refer to this LRZ page to prepare your Linux user environment to import containers from the NVIDIA NGC Catalog container registry. After setting up the required NVIDIA NGC Account, in order to configure Enroot for using your previously generated API Key, create the file enroot/.credentials within your $HOME and append the following to it:
login login $oauthtoken password <API_KEY>
To import the CUDA-Q Docker image run the following instruction:
# create a working directory mkdir path/to/working/directory cd path/to/working/directory # login to interactive node srun --pty bash # import CUDA-Q image from registry enroot import --output cuda-quantum-latest.sqsh docker://
If you specified the --output
option, you will now have a file named as desired in your working directory; in the example we used cuda-quantum-latest.sqsh
. The image file can be run as follows:
enroot start --rw --root cuda-quantum-latest.sqsh # --rw is necessary to have read/write permission in the container # --root give you root access to the container
Now you can compile your application to be accelerated both on single and multiple GPGPUs.
Where to implement your application
Our suggestion is to first implement your C++ application on a separate system directly in the Docker container, where all software requirements for CUDA-Q are satisfied; you could use a remote location to store your code (such as a git
remote repository).
A good option for this workflow is to use VS Code with the Dev Containers extension, see CUDA-Q documentation for a walk-through.
Once you are on the LRZ AI System, inside the CUDA-Q container, you will just have to retrieve the source code for your application and compile it.
CUDA-Q Python is available in the official container image provided by NVIDIA. See the above section on how to retrieve it and execute it on the LRZ AI cluster.
Once in the container, to execute your Python script you can simply run the following command on the container prompt:
For everything regarding the optimal workflow to develop your CUDA-Q application, we refer the user to the above section.
Example(s) for usage
Valid examples can be found in the official CUDA-Q documentation.