QC Simulation software: the LRZ Scalable Software Simulation Suite
We present here a suite of quantum simulators and SDKs available on the LRZ systems. They allow users to run quantum algorithms on HPC resources and prepare them for upscaling on current and upcoming quantum hardware.
The single simulator pages indicate which packages are available on which LRZ HPC systems.
An overview of the LRZ systems, their target user groups and their access instructions can be found here:
Making such software available in the stack of the HPC systems (or describing how to install in user space) is only a part of our strategy for deploying software simulators. Our team is currently working on other alternative, modern solutions, among them:
- software deployment through containers;
- a Spack environment for the software packages;
- accessing software through a Jupyter server environment.
As soon as these activities related to the points above will be mature for being offered to the users, we will document them.
For any question or support request, please open an incident on our system: https://servicedesk.lrz.de/en/selfservice#create/164 .