BayernShare - Sync+Share

LRZ Sync+Share allows you to store your data and documents conveniently, securely and reliably at the Leibniz data center and simultaneously on multiple devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, smart phone) in the latest state (sync). You can also share and exchange your data with other people worldwide (share). LRZ Sync+Share greatly simplifies cross-organizational, interdisciplinary and cooperative work. The service LRZ Sync+Share is based on the software PowerFolder of a German company. The data protection is regulated according to German and European law.


Quickstart infos

What new users should know about LRZ Sync+Share

Video tutorialsShort video clips that demonstrate the basic functions in Sync+Share


Frequently asked questions


Manufacturer's documentation for the underlying PowerFolder software 

Security advices

Recommendations to securely use LRZ Sync+Share


Conditions and rules for the use of the service

Sync+Share web interfaceSync+Share web portal
Sync+Share clientSync+Share client download section
ServicedeskContact pages of the local IT servicedesks of all participating Bavarian institutions
LRZ Status pageUp-to-date status and maintenance information