311 - Warnhinweis No Internet

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After the installation of the LRZ Sync+Share client, the internet is blocked several times a day. The problem occurs only within the Munic Scientific Network (MWN). The web browser shows the following message:

Dear user, your computer was automatically prevented from using the Internet due to excessive exceeding of the allowed packages.


The block is removed as soon as the sum of all exceedances is below 120 again.

To solve the problem, you can disable "UDT connections" in the LRZ Sync+Share client settings as follows:

  1. Start the Sync+Share client.

  2. Click on "Settings".

  3. Click "Show advanced settings" and click "OK" (→ FAQ 202).

  4. The client will now restart.

  5. Click on "Settings" and then on "Network".

  6. Disable the option "Enable UDT connections".

  7. Click on "OK" and confirm the message "Restart".

No functionality is lost when deactivating the UDT connections.

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