304 - Wie lade ich am besten große Dateistrukturen zu LRZ Sync+Share hoch?

Basically it is possible to upload large and even nested file structures to the LRZ Sync+Share server via the web interface using a browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Safari. However, from our experience, the data transfer via the LRZ Sync+Share client is more robust and can also compensate for internet connection failures.

If the client is not installed yet, it can be downloaded via this web link. Create a new empty folder in the base path of the client.

The default base path is:

  • Windows:  C:\Users\<username>\LRZ Sync+Share
  • Linux / macOS: /home/<username>/LRZ Sync+Share

Copy the large file(s) / data structure into the newly created top-level folder. The LRZ Sync+Share client automatically starts to synchronize.

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