206 - Wie lässt sich der LRZ Sync+Share-Client auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen?

To reset the LRZ Sync+Share client to factory defaults, the LRZ Sync+Share configuration directory has to be deleted.


  1. Exit the LRZ Sync+Share client.
  2. Delete the hidden LRZ Sync+Share configuration directory (paths see below).
  3. Then start the client. It will ask for the login data and create a new configuration directory at the same time.


The configuration directory is a hidden directory.


C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\LRZ Sync+Share

macOS / Linux

Absolute path:

/home/<username>/'.LRZ Sync+Share'

Relative (focussing the home directory of the active user):

~/'.LRZ Sync+Share'


If the LRZ Sync+Share base path (data path) was not the default path before (on Windows: C:\Users\<username>\LRZ Sync+Share), it must be changed back to the desired path. It is best to pause the synchronization immediately after login. Then change the base path.

Never move the top-level folders "by hand" using the operating system's file browser, as this may result in data loss. Use the move option in the LRZ Sync+Share client window instead.

Since client version v15.1.100, the program also asks if the local top-level folders should be moved as well.

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