2017-09-07 CLC training: NGS data analysis


Thursday, Sep 7, 2017 from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM (CEST)

Location:LRZ Building, University campus Garching, near Munich

CLC bio develops widely cited desktop and backend server software for analysis of biological data. While offering some open source algorithms with their tools, CLC bio has their own implementations of several popular applications. CLC bio's software allows the user to analyze, visualize, and compare genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic data from all major next generation sequencing platforms. 

This NGS data analysis training course consists of the following subjects:

  • General Introduction
  • CLC software
  • Data preparation and QC evaluation
  • Map reads to reference and variant detection
  • Introduction to de novo sequencing and genome finishing
  • De novo assembly

LRZ operates CLC-Bio Software on their Linux Cluster and on the LRZ Cloud. In the course the offerings of LRZ for their users will be presented.
Prerequisites:This course is targeted at PhD students, Postdocs and researches in Life Sciences or Bioinformatics who want to learn how to use CLC-Bio Software
Lecturers:Trainers from Qiagen and LRZ.