2017-07-04 Using R at LRZ (HRST1S17)

Date:Tuesday, July 4 , 2017, 9:00-18:00
Location:LRZ Building, Garching/Munich, Boltzmannstr. 1, Kursraum 2 (H.U.010)

R is a popular data analysis tool, which is used in many research domains. The Leibniz-Supercomputing Centre has recently established an RStudio web service that provides user friendly access to the high performance systems at LRZ for the execution of R applications. Projects from different research fields such as statistics, bioinformatics, agriculture, psychology, pharmacy and phonetics are currently being run on this service.

In this course, we would like to illustrate the different possibilities of using R at LRZ and provide guidelines for running R applications efficiently on the different resources available at LRZ.

The course is designed for users who already have basic knowledge of R and are working on projects, which are pushing the limits of standard laptops or desktop PCs.

We will cover the following topics:

  • overview of high performance computing systems at LRZ
  • working on the RStudio web service at LRZ
  • running R applications on the Linuxcluster
  • easy tools for parallelization to speed up R scripts
  • assessing resource requirements of R scripts
  • debugging R scripts
  • collaborative R sessions on the LRZ cloud with rosettahub
Teachers:Ch. Bernau and F. Jamitzky (LRZ)
Registration:Via the LRZ registration form. Please choose course HRST1S17.