131 - Was ist ein Top-Level-Ordner bei LRZ Sync+Share?

Top-level folders are those folders that are located on the top/first level in the LRZ Sync+Share base directory.

These folders are the basic functional units of LRZ Sync+Share. They are no usual folders and behave differently than other folders in the operating system when using the LRZ Sync+Share client.

Invitations and links can be created for top-level folders. They can be made public and can be equipped with an upload form.

In addition, the access permission (read/read+write/admin) can be selected for invited users and the ownership can also be transferred to other users. The data of the owner of a top-level folder are specially protected by law.

In the S+S web interface is looks like this:

Note: By clicking on the Share-Button, top-level folders can be shared with other users.

In the LRZ Sync+Client, the top level folders are displayed as follows:

Note: Synchronization is active for top-level folders highlighted in yellow, and disabled for those highlighted in gray (→ FAQ 125: Stopping synchronization of a top-level folder).

Base path for LRZ Sync+Share top-level folders

LRZ Sync+Share-Basispfad im Windows-Explorer

Modify the base path

The LRZ Sync+Share base path can be changed under "Settings" → "General"

The default base path (Windows) is:

C:\Users\<loginname>\LRZ Sync+Share

→ see also FAQ 201

Important to know! When using the LRZ Sync+Share client!

Never move the top-level folders "by hand" using the operating system's file browser, as this may result in data loss (→ FAQ 322). Use the move option in the LRZ Sync+Share Client window instead.

If files/folders are moved out of the LRZ Sync+Share base path, the client interprets this as a deletion and thus synchronizes to the server and all other (active) clients. In this case there are several possibilities for data recovery (→ FAQ 132 - How to recover deleted data?)

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Transfer of ownership:

Video tutorial:
