115 - Werden Gruppenkennungen oder Funktionskennungen für die Projektarbeit unterstützt?

Unfortunately, group or functional accounts are not supported, as these account cannot be clearly assigned to a person.

With LRZ Sync+Share, however, the owner of a folder has the possibility to grant administrative rights on top-level folders to other users, so that the management of a folder can be distributed to several people, as with group or functional IDs. Each participant with administrative rights could therefore invite other people, create web links, or delete top-level folders. A substitute for e.g. vacation, illness or business trip is guaranteed.

Additionally, the owner of a top-level folder has the possibility to transfer the ownership to another user. As soon as the new designated owner has agreed to the change, the folder is transferred to him. This can be of interest when an employee leaves to transfer the project data.

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