024 - Wie ändere ich die ISP Serveradresse unter Windows, Linux oder MAC?

1. Possibility (not for MAC!): Change the entry TCPSERVERADDRESS in the ISP configuration file. This step must be done for each node individually.

To update the ISP server address, you have to change the entry behind TCPSERVERADDRESS in the ISP configuration file dsm.opt (Windows) or dsm.sys (Linux).

You find the path to the configuration file under Windows here:

C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient

Under Linux the configuration file can be found here:


Example - Change from S99.lrz-muenchen.de:

TCPSERVERADDRESS S99.lrz-muenchen.de

to S88.abs.lrz.de:


2.  Possibility (for MAC, Windows and Linux): Change the ISP server address via the graphical user interface of ISP.

For that please start ISP Tools for Administrators (MAC) or the Backup-Archive - GUI (Windows/Linux) and then click Edit -> Preferences -> Communication.
Now you can enter the new ISP server address under SERVER ADDRESS and only have to confirm with Apply and OK.

Attention! If your backup starts automatically, you have to restart the ISP service.

Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Search for Services -> Show Local Services -> Select your ISP scheduler service -> Right click -> Restart.

Open console -> enter cd /etc/init.d -> dsmcad stop -> dsmcad start

Start ISP Tools for Administrators -> ISP Client Acceptor stop -> ISP Client Acceptor start