016 - Wie kann ich überprüfen, wann meine Archivdaten verfallen?

Query via the Unix Bash

1. Method (output the directories that expire on a given day/month/year).

With 'dsmc q fi' to display the filespaces of your node, then for each filespace:

dsmc q ar "<FILESPACE>/*" -subdir=yes -Quiet |sed 's/+\//g'|awk -F' ' '{ print $5" "$6}' |grep <expiration date>

The expiration date can be in the form of year, month.year or day.month.year. 
Example with filespace /lrz/dat/* and expiration date 7.2022:

dsmc q ar "/lrz/dat/*" -subdir=yes -Quiet |sed 's/+\///g'|awk -F' ' '{ print $5" "$6}' |grep 07.2022

The output of the command could show, that the following directories will expire in July 2022:

/lrz/dat/TSM 07/10/2022
/lrz/dat/TSM/Script 07/10/2022
/lrz/dat/TSM/Script/6.2 10.07.2022
/lrz/dat/TSM/Script/6.2/check-homeelem-foribmTS3500-2-rzg.sh 10.07.2022
/lrz/dat/TSM/Script/6.2/check-homeelem-foribmTS3500-2-rzg.sh 10.07.2022
/lrz/dat/TSM/Script/6.2/check-homeelem-foribmTS3500-2-rzg.sh 10.07.2022

2. Method (output of directories that have been archived in a given period)

Attention: Please note that the expiration time is 10 years (current date - 10 years)
Using 'dsmc q fi' to display the filespaces of your node, then for each filespace:

dsmc q ar "<FILESPACE>/*" -subdir=yes -Quiet yes -fromdate=<FROMDATE> -todate=<TODATE>

Example for /lrz/dat/ ,FROMDATE =09.07.2010 TODATE=09.07.2012:

dsmc q ar "/lrz/dat*" -subdir=yes -Quiet -fromdate=09.07.2010 -todate=09.07.2012

Query via the TSM GUI for Windows and Unix

  1. Start the ISP Client
  2. Click on Retrieve or Actions -> Retrieve Package
  3. Click on Edit -> Find
  4. Tick Date, then tick Files Archived
  5. Select the desired date, but keep in mind that you have to calculate back 10 years (expiration time)
  6. Click on Search and the filespaces will be displayed