Wann muss ich den LRZ-Benutzungsrichtlinien zustimmen?

Consent to the LRZ usage guidelines is required the first time you log into the IDM portal. The next time consent is required - again when logging into the IDM portal - is when a new version of the LRZ Usage Guidelines comes into effect.

Consent is not required if you have a TUM or LMU account: Because accepting the usage guidelines there, includes accepting the LRZ usage guidelines. 

If you have an account with an authorization for high-performance systems (SuperMUC-NG, Linux cluster, remote visualization), you must additionally commit to comply with German export control regulations  when you login to the IDM portal to. This commitment is required from you annually, regardless of whether the export control regulations have changed or not.

The wording of these and other binding guidelines for the use of LRZ services can be found at Our Rules page.