VPN - eduVPN - Verbindungsprobleme

eduVPN client stalls while "Connecting..."


renew Configuration

Cancel the stalled connection process an click on the [ < ] in the top left corner. This will return you to the main screen. Select your Institution. This will renew your configuration. Now click on connect.

Activate TCP

OpenVPN will then try to connect via TCP instead of UDP. This may help in restricted Networks.

Connectivity check with your browser

Can you access the following Websites within your Browser?

  • https://app.eduvpn.org - The eduVPN client will connect this site to check for new software. In case this site cannot be connected to, the client will drop a disposable error message.
  • https://disco.eduvpn.org - The eduVPN client will connect this site to load the list of institutions. The bowser window only shows a directory named v2. In case this site cannot be connected to, Windows and Android clients will temporarily not work. No intitutions will be shown. iOS an macOS clients will work. 

Your Institutions web login site must be reachable: