VPN - eduVPN - Installation Linux (ubuntu)


There are two ways to install eduVPN on Linux. eduVPN ist built upon OpenVPN. You can choose between using eduVPN-GUI or OpenVPN. Then you have to download a profile.


  • easy renewing your expired profiles

OpenVPN with downloaded profile

  • slimmer installation

NetworkManager always adds a default route. This results in to all data passing the VPN tunnel. See Network Manager und default Route


you can install eduVPN from https://www.eduvpn.org/client-apps/ Select tab Linux

On the web page https://python-eduvpn-client.readthedocs.io/en/master/ navigate to Debian and Ubuntu or your preferred Linux installation. This guide uses Ubuntu. https://python-eduvpn-client.readthedocs.io/en/master/installation.html#debian-and-ubuntu

Follow the instructions to install the eduVPN-GUI client.

After successful installation, start the eduVPN client.

Now select the appropriate Server by simply typing a keyword. In case this does not work, please enter the institution's name. Select the entry below Institute Access

InstitutionKeywordConfiguration GuideeduVPN server
University of Applied Sciences Munich via LRZ-VPNhm.eduVPN - eduVPN - Konfiguration für HMhm.eduvpn.lrz.de
Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences via LRZ-VPNhswt.deVPN - eduVPN - Konfiguration für HSWThswt.eduvpn.lrz.de
Leibniz Supercomputing Centre  via LRZ-VPNlrz.deinternal documentationint.eduvpn.lrz.de
University of Munich via LRZ-VPNlmu.deVPN - eduVPN - Konfiguration für LMUlmu.eduvpn.lrz.de
Technical University of Munich via LRZ-VPNtum.deVPN - eduVPN - Konfiguration für TUMtum.eduvpn.lrz.de
Other VPN institutions with VPN affiliationmwn.deVPN - eduVPN - Konfiguration für andere Einrichtungenrad.eduvpn.lrz.de

OpenVPN with eduVPN configuration profile


  • OpenVPN
  • OpenVPN Plugin for Network Manager

To get the profile you have to log on to your institution's VPN server. Select the server on from the table above in the last column.

Select the tab Configurations

Klicken sie auf den Reiter Einstellungen:

Expand the page. Now you can download configuration profiles. You need an extra configuration profile for every device you use. Give a speaking name to your profile to tell them apart.

The file name is built from these parts:


You can manually check or even use your configuration profile from the command line:

$ sudo openvpn --verb 3 --config configuration.ovpn

To import your profile into NetworkManager open network setting in system settings:

Click on the little plus sign next to VPN

Here you can import your configuration profile.

Network Manager und Default-Route 

To correct the routing select:

  • use this connection only for Ressources on its Network

within IPv4 and IPv6 settings.

Save your Network profile.

You can check your setting with nmcli in a terminal:

# Checkbox gesetzt, Routing o.k.
$ nmcli conn show eduVPN | grep never-default
ipv4.never-default:                     yes
ipv6.never-default:                     yes

# Checkbox nicht gesetzt, zusätzliche default Route
$ nmcli conn show eduVPN | grep never-default
ipv4.never-default:                     no
ipv6.never-default:                     no

You may as well configure this setting in NetworkManager's settings. Insert at [ipv4] and at [ipv6] never-default=true . The activate these new settings





sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

On the VPN server web frontend you may administer and optionally delete your profiles.