QuEST (Univ. Oxford)
Quantum Exact Simulation Toolkit, abbreviated as QuEST, is an exact quantum simulator supporting OpenMP multithreading, MPI distribution, and GPU acceleration, allowing efficient simulation on supercomputing infrastructure.
Project Website
- Official website -
- Tutorials and Examples-
- Documentation -
- GitHub -
Quantum Technologies group, University of Oxford -
MIT License
Current version / Version supported by LRZ
Supported HPC Systems
Installation / HPC Deployment
This section describes the deployment of QuEST on the aforementioned supported HPC Systems. QuEST does not require a formal installation and can be utilised as a header-only library. The QuEST repository can be cloned from the GitHub project to a local directory on the HPC system. To run quantum simulations, one only needs to compile source files and run the generated executables. This process is described below with an example. This documentation assumes the user is working on a SuperMUC-NG login node.
Source files must be provided in either C or C++. Although both GNU C and C++ compilers will suffice, the default compilers on SNG are LLVM C/C++ compilers clang
/clang ++ provided by Intel, hence we suggest building QuEST source code using those compilers. This documentation uses the clang++
compiler to illustrate source code compilation. To ensure that clang++
is available, the following intel module must be loaded.
module load intel-oneapi-compilers/2021.4.0
Further, cmake
and make
functionalities are required for the compilation of QuEST scripts. cmake
needs to be loaded using:
module load cmake
Cloning from GitHub
QuEST can be directly cloned from the official GitHub, in any directory within the user's home directory. Follow:
cd desired/directory/ git clone
Run test suite
QuEST comes with an extensive test suite. Run it to verify all tests pass
cd QuEST mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DTESTING=ON make ctest
Usage Examples
Following a successful cloning and environment variable declaration, the functioning of the simulator can be tested through the provided built-in examples. Here, the steps to run Grover's search algorithm, which is provided as an example within the QuEST repository, are illustrated.
Basic Compilation
Basic compilation can be tested by examples provided with QuEST. The compilation of source files can be hindered by pre-existing cmake
output files, from the test suite compilation. Clearing these files is recommended before proceeding with new compilations:
cd QuEST cd build ls # note the cmake files to be removed CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles CTestTestfile.cmake DartConfiguration.tcl Makefile QuEST Testing cmake_install.cmake tests rm -rf CMake*
After cloning QuEST from GitHub, Grover's search algorithm can be compiled and executed within the QuEST clone, as follows. The folder build
is created in the QuEST clone to store the build process results, including the executable.
cd QuEST mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DUSER_SOURCE=../examples/grovers_search.c -DOUTPUT_EXE=example_grover make
The executable example_grover
will now be created in the build directory. Running executables on the SNG login nodes is not recommended. Instead, a simple SLURM test job should be created, as detailed in the SNG documentation.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --time=00:05:00 #SBATCH --account=<project name> #SBATCH --partition=test #SBATCH --ntasks=1 ./example_grover
This SLURM job file can be submitted as:
Compilation outside the cloned QuEST directory
Executables can be compiled outside the cloned QuEST directory. In this case, an absolute path to the QuEST functionalities must be provided to cmake
Upon cloning QuEST from GitHub, another directory, also named QuEST/
, is created within the cloned repository. This directory contains all the QuEST functionalities. Hence, for the compilation of executables directly in an external directory, it may be convenient to set the absolute path to the cloned QuEST directory as an environment variable.
cd QuEST ls # ensure you receive the following output to ls before calling export AUTHORS.txt CMakeLists.txt LICENCE.txt QuEST doxyconfig examples tests export QUEST_DIR=$PWD
Now, to simply compile the provided Grover's search source code, at a desired location, as a single-threaded executable without MPI acceleration, follow:
mkdir desired/location/build_exe_dir cd desired/location/build_exe_dir cmake $QUEST_DIR -DUSER_SOURCE="$QUEST_DIR/examples/grover_search.c" -DOUTPUT_EXE="example_grover" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang make
The executable example_grover
will now be created in the build directory, and can be executed through the simple execution job as detailed above.
Additional CMake Flags
QuEST uses cmake
to compile source code, and hence a vast array of flags are available to exploit the supercomputing infrastructure during compilation.
Switching compilers - GNU C/C++
By default, QuEST uses GCC or G++ as its compilers. However, clang
or clang++
are the preferred compilers on the HPC infrastructure.
In case your code needs to be built using GNU C/C++ compilers, you need to unload the default load compilers and load the necessary module for gcc
as follows:
module unload intel-oneapi-compilers module load gcc
To ensure the use of gcc
(or g++)
as the compiler, the flag -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER (or -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER) is necessary in line with the cmake
command above. In addition, if certain functions require a specific version of the compiler, the additional flag DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT (-or DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT) is also required.
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc # flag to use gcc as compiler -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT='-std=gnu++20' # flag to use g++ as compiler, for a C++20 source file
now the following lines will be a part of the cmake
compilation log.
... The C compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0 The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0 ...
As QuEST supports OpenMP multithreading, i.e. parallelism on multi-core or multi-CPU systems, this can be invoked during compilation compile adding the following flag:
If N = 16 threads are desired on one computation node, the SLURM job submission file contains the following:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --time=00:05:00 #SBATCH --account=<project name> #SBATCH --partition=test #SBATCH --ntasks=1 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 ./myExecutable
Distributed Systems
To compile on distributed or networked systems, such as multiple distinct nodes, include the flag
The OpenMPI command mpirun
should be used in the SLURM job submission file.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --time=00:05:00 #SBATCH --account=<project name> #SBATCH --partition=test #SBATCH --ntasks=1 export N_MPI_TASKS=<N> mpirun -np $N_MPI_TASKS ./myExecutable
Consequently, a hybrid multithreaded and distributed compilation is possible, by setting both -DDISTRIBUTED
and -D
flag to one. Here, set N_MPI_TASKS
as the number of distinct compute nodes (which don't share memory), and set OMP_NUM_THREADS
, as above, to assign the number of threads used on each compute node.
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 export N_MPI_TASKS=<N> mpirun -np $N_MPI_TASKS ./myExecutable
Multiple Source Files
Multiple source files can be compiled into one executable by separating the source files by semicolons.