DSS Deprecation Notice 1: Shutdown of direct DSS mount on SuperMUC Login Nodes

Due to the preparation of DSS for connecting it to SuperMUC NG and integration of new systems, by the end of October 2018, we have to update the software used to implement DSS to a new major version. As it was decided to freeze SuperMUC's software stack until the end of it's operation in 2019, this will lead to an incompatibility between DSS and SuperMUC. Therefore, we have to shutdown the direct DSS mount /dss before we will perform the update.

In oder to still be able to easily transfer files between SuperMUC and DSS, we plan to provide a high speed Globus Online endpoint on the SuperMUC Login nodes by end of October 2018. Once this will be available, we will provide a KB article in our Knowledge Base on how to transfer files between SuperMUC and DSS using Globus Online.