308 - Die Synchronisation eines Folders scheint nicht zu funktionieren. Wie richte ich diese erneut ein?

In the following, it is explained how to disable and restore synchronization of a top-level folder.


If the option "Delete local files" is selected, the local files are permanently deleted (they do not end up in the user's local recycle bin).

To minimize the risk of data loss, we recommend to prepare a backup copy of the local data first, especially if there are local files in a newer version that have not yet been transferred to the LRZ Sync+Share servers.

  1. Open the client.

  2. Select "Stop sync" with a right click on the affected folder.

  3. Select the option "Delete local meta-data". Click "Stop sync".

  4. After a moment the icon of the folder has changed, it is no longer synchronized locally.

  5. Now click on the grey icon, select another location (where the local data is still stored) using the folder icon.

  6. Click on "Next" and "Done".

  7. After a few moments, the client starts to synchronize the files of the folder again.

If the synchronization is still not functional, repeat the process and select the option "Delete local files" (Point 3) this time. Also make sure that a stable Internet connection is available.

You should only select the option "Delete local files" if you are sure that the affected folder on the local PC does not contain any files that have not yet been uploaded to the LRZ Sync+Share server.

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