214 - Wie greife ich unter Linux auf Snapshots zu?

On Linux, you can find the snapshots by mounting as follows:

mount -t cifs //nas.ads.mwn.de/<share_name>/~snapshot <mountpoint> -o username=<lrz-kennung>,domain=ADS

The snapshots can also be found by mounting //nas.ads.mwn.de/<share_name>. Within the mounted directory, you can then change to the directory with the snapshots, for example, by the use of 'cd ~snapshot' (or: cd .snapshot).


sudo mount -t cifs //nas.ads.mwn.de/tuxy/abc/~snapshot /home/ne23mek/online_dateien -o username=<lrz-kennung>,domain=ADS

The figure shows how a list of snapshot folders can look on Linux: