2024-04-15 Research Data Management for Data from HPC (tier 1) - Best-Practice and Applications (hrdm1s24)

WorkshopResearch Data Management for Data from HPC (tier 1) - Best-Practice and Applications
Available places100
Date15.04.2024 – 15.04.2024
PriceEUR 0.00
Registration deadline08.04.2024 23:59


You will learn how to structure, document and publish your research data and which tools and resources can support you. This workshop will introduce researchers to the basics of research data management (RDM) as well as tools and systems available at different HPC centers. You will earn knowledge of tools and services for data and metadata collection, storage, publication and transfer of large data.

This supports bookkeeping in your own research, exchange with colleagues in your group and dissemination and use of research data with external partners. Publishing research data along journal publications will soon become commonplace and will allow for a wider range of use of comparative research data within the course of your PhD.


  • Hardware systems, storage systems, data transfer tools at the different HPC centers (e.g. SuperMUC-NG, Hawk, JUWELS & JURECA), backup and archiving, UFT, GridFTP, Globus Online, data containers (e.g. LRZ DSS)
  • Research data management tools and services for data from HPC: Metadata standards, metadata crawling, cloud storages, interfaces, repositories, containerization, FAIR HPC data, B2SHARE, InHPC-DE etc.
  • Basics in research data management: FAIR data principles, metadata & terminology, repositories, identifier (DOI), licenses, best-practice

Event Format

Online via Zoom






Prices and Eligibility

The workshop is open and free of charge. It is directed at users of HPC computing centers producing large amount of (immobile) data; personnel in research data management and everyone who is interested (no mandatory requirements). The participation might be recognised as qualification for doctoral candidates at your graduate center.



Contact and further information

Web: https://www.epc.ed.tum.de/en/aer/research-groups/nfdi4ing/

Mail: info-doris@nfdi4ing.de

Legal Notices

This workshop is offered by the Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics at the TUM.

115.04.202410:00 – 13:00