2023-09-15 CompBioMed - SEAVEA Hackathon (hcbms23)

CourseCompBioMed - SEAVEA Hackathon
Available places35
Date15.09.2023 – 15.09.2023
PriceEUR 0.00
LocationLeibniz Rechenzentrum
Boltzmannstr. 1
85748 Garching b. München
Registration deadline08.09.2023 23:59


This Hackathon is co-organised by the SEAVEA and CompBioMed partners. Please register using the following link: https://forms.gle/gnpUFTHisGGrBeAb9

Please register with your official e-mail address to prove your affiliation. 


The Hackathon will focus on enabling Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) for HPC simulations using the SEAVEA toolkit (SEAVEAtk). Any HPC application researcher is invited to join, irrespective of their source domain. During the event, participants will learn about the SEAVEA toolkit, and RADICAL Cybertools in particular. They will engage in hands-on learning by interacting with the SEAVEAtk experts, who will help them in applying their choice of SEAVEAtk tools on their own codes and applications. Existing SEAVEAtk users are also welcome, as the team will offer support to add more rigorous VVUQ to their applications.

About RADICAL Cybertools:

RADICAL-Cybertools (RCT) are software building blocks to enable execution of scientific workflows on high performance computing (HPC) platforms at unprecedented scale. Two of the most commonly used RCT are RADICAL-Pilot (RP) and RADICAL-EnsembleToolkit (EnTK). RP is a pilot-enabled runtime system that allows users to concurrently execute up to 10^4 heterogeneous tasks on up to 10^5 heterogeneous resources. RP manages concurrent and sequential execution of single/multi core/GPU/node non/MPI tasks on one or more HPC platforms. Tasks can be stand-alone executables or Python functions. EnTK is a workflow engine specifically designed to support the coding and execution of scientific workflows specified as a set of pipelines. Each independent pipeline contains a user-defined sequence of stages, each containing a user-defined number of tasks. EnTK utilizes RP to acquire and manage HPC resources, and place and launch tasks on those resources. Along with Flux and Parsl, RCT is also part of ExaWorks, a DOE ExaScale Computing Project,  that integrates independent middleware to enable the execution of scientific workflows on HPC. Within ExaWorks, RCT is part of the Software Development Kit (SDK), enabling the continuous integration and testing of both RP and EnTK on diverse HPC platforms. RCT supports innovation in climate science, drug discovery, material engineering, computational biology and particle physics, consuming millions of core hours on the largest HPC machines available world-wide.

About SEAVEAtk: 

The SEAVEA toolkit provides a variety range of tools to:

  • create VVUQ procedures (EasyVVUQ),
  • to facilitate the creation of surrogate models for multiscale simulations (EasySurrogate),
  • to automate the complex workflows emerging from these procedures using HPC resources (FabSim3),
  • to enable the efficient execution of large numbers of jobs on computational resources (QCG Pilot Job Manager and RADICAL Cybertools),
  • to make creating coupled multiscale simulations easy, and to then enable efficient Uncertainty Quantification of such models using advanced semi-intrusive algorithms (MUSCLE3),
  • to perform surrogate modelling using Gaussian Processes (MOGP).

Detailed information is available at: https://www.seavea-project.org/seaveatk/

This hackathon is co-organised by the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), SEAVEA and CompBioMed for EuroCC, the European organisation for High-Performance Computing, High-Performance Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.


  • Knowledge of Linux and Python programming
  • Prior experience with a HPC application.


  • Participants will be given access to the ARCHER2 supercomputer during the Hackathon (prior a sign-up required).

Content Level

The content and support in the Hackathon will be tailored to the expertise level of the participants.




Matteo Turilli, Mikhail Titov and Diana Suleimenova

SEAVEAtk experts: David Coster, Alireza Jahani, Maziar Ghorbani, Jon McCullough

Prices and Eligibility

The Hackathon is open and free of charge for people from academia and industry.


All times are in Central European Summer Time (CEST).

9:00 - 9:10Welcome
9:10 - 9:40The SEAVEA toolkit introduction
9:40 - 10:10Talk by Radical Cybertools team
10:10 - 10:20Hackathon ideas and teams formation
10:20 - 10:30Coffee break
10:30 - 12:30Hack
12:30 - 13:30Lunch
13:30 - 15:15Hack and distribution of questionnaires
15:15 - 15:30Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30Wrap-up and results of questionnaires

Coffee, snacks and lunch for the participants will be provided on-site.

Legal Notices

This course is offered in cooperation by LRZ, SEAVEA and CompBioMed. Registration is done via Google Forms at the address https://forms.gle/gnpUFTHisGGrBeAb9, hosted by Google. Your registration data will be transferred to these partners in accordance with their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.








115.09.202309:00 – 16:30
Leibniz RechenzentrumHörsaalCompBioMed - SEAVEA Hackathon