2020-03-10 POSTPONED: Advanced Python at LRZ (HPYF1W19)


Course postponed to Tuesday, May 5, 2020 due to Corona Outbreak

Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 10:00 - 15:00

Location:LRZ Building, Garching/Munich, Boltzmannstr. 1, LRZ Kursraum 1

As a general-purpose programming language with a growing user-base amongst data scientists, Python is increasingly used for data analysis and machine learning applications at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ). In this course we will demonstrate several techniques and best practice examples - empowering participants to use Python effectively on LRZ infrastructure.


  • Python data structures and libraries, conda, virtualenv, pip, pylab
  • Computing libraries: Numpy / Scipy
  • Data Analysis libraries: Pandas / Matplotlib
  • Machine Learning libraries: tensorflow, keras
  • Parallel Computing libraries: dask, ipcluster, mpi4py
  • LRZ resources and Batch system

During the course, you have the additional opportunity to bring in your future requirements and to directly discuss your needs with system administrators and application experts from LRZ.


The course is addressing participants with a beginners knowledge in python.

Content Level:

The content level of the course is broken down as:

Beginner's content:0,4h10%
Intermediate content:3,6h90%
Advanced content:0,0h0%
Community-targeted content:0,0h0%
Contact:Shaila Rössle-Blank roessle-blank@lrz.de
Registration:Via the LRZ registration form. Please choose course HPYF1W19.