2020-03-09 CANCELLED: Parallel Programming of High Performance Systems @ RRZE (HPPB1W19)

Date:Monday, March 9 - Friday, March 13, 2020, 9:00-18:00
Location:RZE Building, University Campus Erlangen, Martensstr. 3, 91058 Erlangen, room 02.135

This course, a collaboration of Erlangen Regional Computing Centre (RRZE) and LRZ, is targeted at students and scientists with interest in programming modern HPC hardware, specifically the large scale parallel computing systems available in Jülich, Stuttgart and Munich.

Each day is comprised of approximately 4 hours of lectures and 3 hours of hands-on sessions.

Tentative schedule:

Day 1

  • Introduction to High Performance Computing (Weinberg)
  • Programming Environment at LRZ, Secure shell (Weinberg)
  • Handling console and GUI based interfaces (Weinberg)
  • Building programs with GNU MAKE and cmake (Ohlerich)
  • Source code versioning with SVN and git (Martone)

Day 2

  • Basic parallel programming models: elements of MPI and OpenMP (Weinberg)
  • Guided Tour (Hager)
  • Processor architectures (Hager)

Day 3

  • Principles of code optimization: unrolling, blocking, dependencies, C++ issues, bandwidth issues, performance projections (Hager)
  • Advanced MPI programming (Afzal)

Day 4

  • Parallel architectures: multi-core, multi-socket, ccNUMA, cache coherence and affinity, tools for handling memory affinity (Hager)
  • Parallel algorithms: data parallelism, domain decomposition, task parallelism, master-worker, granularity, load balancing, scalability models (Hager)
  • Advanced OpenMP programming and tuning (Weinberg)
  • Social Event: Pizza and Talk "Fooling the masses" by G. Hager

Day 5

  • Performance analysis tools: Intel VTune Amplifier and Advisor (Allalen)
  • Performance analysis tools: Intel APS and ITAC (Karmakar)
  • Performance analysis with Score-P and Scalasca (Karmakar)
  • Summary and Outlook, GCS and PRACE Training Programme  (Weinberg)

LRZ lenovorrze


Course participants should have basic UNIX/Linux knowledge (login with secure shell, shell commands, compilers, vi or emacs editors).
Good working knowledge of at least one of the standard HPC languages: Fortran 95, C or C++.

Content level:

The content level of the course is broken down as:

Beginner's content:24,5h70%
Intermediate content:10,5h30%
Advanced content:0,0h0%
Community-targeted content:0,0h0%
Teachers:G. Hager, A. Afzal (RRZE),  A. Karmakar (Lenovo), M. Allalen, M. Martone, M. Ohlerich, V. Weinberg  (LRZ)

Via the LRZ registration form. Please choose course HPPB1W19.


The exercises will be done on the IvyMUC system at LRZ.

Contact:Dr. Volker Weinberg (LRZ)