2019-12-03 Python for Beginners (HPYT1W19)

Date:Tuesday, December 03, 2019, 10:00 - 15:00
Location:LRZ Building, Garching/Munich, Boltzmannstr. 1, LRZ Hörsaal

As a general-purpose programming language with a growing user-base, Python is increasingly used by many scientists in their daily workflows. In this course we will cover all the fundamental concepts of programming: functions, data types, loops, conditionals, data structures, objects, and methods, in order to empower participants to use Python for their everyday programming needs.  The course is for complete beginners to Python and programming in general.


- The python language and syntax primer

- The python standard library (basic functions)

- High quality scientific plots with python

- Scientific programming with NumPy

- Data Analysis using Pandas

- Integrated Developer Environments (spyder, jupyter, ipython)

During the course, you have the additional opportunity to bring in your future requirements and to directly discuss your needs with system administrators and application experts from LRZ.


The course is for complete beginners to Python and programming in general.

Contact:Shaila Rössle-Blank
Registration:Via the LRZ registration form. Please choose course HPYT1W19.