2019-09-02 Introduction to ANSYS Fluid Dynamics (CFX, Fluent) on LRZ HPC Systems (HCFD2s19)

Date:Monday, September 2 - Friday, September 6, 2019,  09:00-17:00
Location:LRZ Building, Boltzmannstr. 1, D-85748 Garching near Munich, Kursraum 2 H.U.010

The focus of this 5-day course is targeted on students, PhD's and researchers with good knowledge in the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and potentially with some first experience in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The course will focus on the introduction to the ANSYS Fluid Dynamics software packages, i.e. ANSYS CFX and ANSYS Fluent. Further, participants will be familiarized with the main steps of the typical CFD workflow, in particular with CFD preprocessing / CFD setup creation, serial and parallel solver execution and CFD postprocessing in both CFD solver systems CFX and Fluent. Correctness of boundary conditions and CFD setup specifications, solver convergence control, solver monitoring, customization capabilities of the solvers and the post­pro­cessing as well as recommended CFD best practices are covered.

The course further focusses on the usage of the ANSYS CFD software in a typical Linux cluster environment for massively parallel computations. This includes a basic Linux primer, introduction to LRZ HPC systems and network environment, intro to the use of the SLURM scheduler, CFD remote visualization and aspects of successful CFD simulation strategies in such an HPC environment. Finally some aspects of workflow automation using Python as scripting language are targeted as well.

Wednesday (2:00pm - 4:30pm) : CADFEM Session

The Wednesday afternoon session is will be presented by Dr. B. Neuhierl from CADFEM GmbH, Grafing and will be dedicated to an introduction of the various meshing capabilities in ANSYS Fluent Meshing and update information from the CADFEM experts about what's new in ANSYS CFD in the latest releases of the ANSYS CFD software. Topics in this afternoon session will include:

  • CADFEM Introduction - "Simulation is more than Software"
  • Summary of main new features in ANSYS CFD in the latest ANSYS software releases
  • Overview about meshing possibilities with ANSYS Fluent – meshing for even the most complex geometries
    • ANSYS Fluent Meshing workflow for watertight geometries
    • The fault tolerant workflow in ANSYS Fluent Meshing for "dirty CAD" geometries
  • Practical / hands-on: Meshing and simulation of the flow through a component using ANSYS Fluent Meshing workflows

All software components introduced in the ANSYS CFD Short Course are available at LRZ via the ANSYS Multiphysics Campus license.

What participants will not learn in this course?

  • Advanced aspects of Linux and computer network infrastructure
  • Geometry creation (CAD, SpaceClaim, DM) and meshing (ANSYS Meshing, ICEM/CFD)
  • Advanced topics of CFD simulation, like e.g. acoustics, Eulerian and Lagrangian multiphase flows, combustion, radiation, FSI, etc.
  • Advanced topics of CFD solver customization with User FORTRAN or User Defined Functions (UDF’s) written in C language

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This course is addressed to young scientists, PHD students and under-graduate students (Master level) with so far limited to no experience with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), but with the aim to use in future the High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources of the LRZ for their research. Basic knowledge of Linux and LRZ computer environment is a plus.


Handouts/PDF’s of the course are provided to participants.


The CFD and HPC exercises will be done partially on local PC’s running Windows-10 and on the IvyMUC Linux Cluster at LRZ. Files of the interactive sessions are made available to participants.

Language:English / English Slides & Handouts
Teachers:Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Frank (LRZ), Dr. B. Neuhierl (CADFEM GmbH) 

The official registration deadline has passed already by 21st August 2019.
But a limited number of free seats in the computer class for this short course is still available.

Interested participants are asked to register themselfes as soon as possible by sending an email to Thomas.Frank@lrz.de directly. Please choose in your email subject the subject and course ID "Registration for HCFD2s19". And please mind, that for such late registrants for this short course a participation is only possible after you have received an explicit email confirmation.

Course Fee:Students and members of universities and public research institutes: None
Others: 300 EUR per day, 1500 EUR for the full course
Contact:Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Frank (LRZ), Dr. Volker Weinberg (LRZ)