2016-04-26 R Course for the Life Science Community

 Date:Tuesday, Apr 26, 2016 10:00-17:00
Location:LRZ Building, University campus Garching, near Munich

This course presents a comprehensive overview of the statistical programming language R using the LRZ hardware capabilities. The course combines lectures with hands-on exercises in which the participants learn to apply R to real biomedical datasets.

Within the last 10 years, more and more researchers using R have run their projects at the Leibniz Supercomputing center (LRZ). In the course, we will present the different approaches that have been applied in the last years in order to port R-scripts, which have originally been run on commodity hardware, to the various HPC systems at LRZ. 

We will illustrate the HPC approaches using a wide variety of R packages including multicore, snow, rredis, snowfall,the various 'do-variants' (doMC, doRedis, doSNOW), BatchExperiments and the MPI based packages RMPI and pbdMPI.

A special focus is put on the Bioconductor packages for Next Generation Sequencing.


  1. Introduction to LRZ HPC services

  2. R & Rstudio at LRZ

  3. Introduction to the R Language

  4. Bioconductor

    1. Overview
    2. NGS
  5. parallel programming using R at LRZ

    1. library(parallel)
    2. library(doMC), library(doMPI), library(doRedis)
    3. snow and snowfall, doSNOW at LRZ
Prerequisites:This course is targeted at PhD students, Postdocs and researches in Life Sciences or Bioinformatics who want to learn how to use R.
Registration:Via LRZ Course registration
Hands-on:The exercises will be done on the CoolMUC2 segment of the Linux Cluster at LRZ (dual socket 14 core Haswell EP).
Lecturers:Dr. Ch. Bernau (LRZ), Dr. Yu Wang (LRZ), Dr. F. Jamitzky (LRZ)