2016-04-04 PRACE PATC Course: Advanced Topics in High Performance Computing


Monday, April 4 - Thursday, April 7, 2016, 9:00-17:30
Location:LRZ Building, University campus Garching, near Munich

In this add-on course to the parallel programming course special topics are treated in more depth, in particular performance analysis, I/O and PGAS concepts. It is provided in collaboration of Erlangen Regional Computing Centre (RRZE) and LRZ within KONWIHR.

The course is a PRACE Advanced Training Center event.

Each day is comprised of approximately 5 hours of lectures and 2 hours of hands-on sessions.

Tentative schedule:

Day 1 (09:00-17:30)

  • Parallel I/O with MPI IO (Wittmann)
  • Tuning I/O on LRZ's HPC systems (Mendez)
  • Portability of I/O: NetCDF and PnetCDF (Mendez)

Day 2 (09:00-17:30)

  • Portability of I/O: HDF5 (Mendez)
  • SIONlib: Scalable I/O library (Mendez)
  • Introduction into Intel Xeon Phi Programming (Weinberg)

Day 3 (09:00-17:30)

  • Processor-Specific Optimization (Eitzinger)

Day 4 (10:00-14:30)

  • PGAS programming with coarray Fortran and Unified Parallel C (Block)
  • Guided SuperMUC tour (Weinberg)
PrerequisitesGood MPI and OpenMP knowledge as presented in the course "Parallel programming of High Performance Systems".
Teachers:A. Block, S. Mendez, V. Weinberg (LRZ), J. Eitzinger, M. Wittmann (RRZE)
Registration:Via https://events.prace-ri.eu/event/393/registration/register
Hands-on:The exercises will be done on the SuperMIC system at LRZ.
Contact:Dr. Volker Weinberg (LRZ)