2015-11-03 Tools for Life Science (HTLS1W15)

Date:Tuesday, November 03, 2015, 10:00-18:00
Location:LRZ Building, Garching/Munich, Boltzmannstr. 1, Kursraum 1

This course presents a comprehensive overview of the principles and applications of scientific workflow for life science, using the LRZ computational facilities.

The course combines lectures with hands-on exercises in which the participants learn to apply these principles to real biomedical datasets.This training will give the participants insights in scientific workflow systems with applications in bioinformatics and data mining.

In particular it will provide life scientists with:

  • an overview of scientific workflow systems
  • an introduction to R, Galaxy, and CLC bio,
with discussion of user wishes
  • hands-on experience running Galaxy
, using CLC bio and R/Rstudio on LRZ hardware

The course will provide the opportunity to discuss the computational requirements and needs of the Life Science community at Munich, for which a discussion session has been scheduled. 

Please forward this invitation to interested colleagues. Participation is free.


10:00: Introduction to LRZ HPC services

11:00:  Rstudio@LRZDiscussion of user wishes

Lunch Break

13:00: running galaxy on LRZ hardware

14:00: R & galaxy

15:00 workflows overview

16:00 using CLC bio/R on LRZ hardware 

17:00 FInal discussion 

PrerequisitesThis course is targeted at PhD students, Postdocs and researches in Life Sciences or Bioinformatics.
Teachers:Ferdinand Jamitzky, Christoph Bernau, Yu Wang
Registration:Via the LRZ registration form. Please choose course HTLS1W15