2015-05-12 Training LRZ Compute Cloud (HCLT1S15)

Date:Tuesday, May 12, 9:00-18:00
Location:LRZ Building, Garching/Munich, Boltzmannstr. 1, Kursraum 2
Contents:This course will introduce you to one of our new services: the LRZ Compute Cloud. This Infrastructure-as-a-Service offer is based on the open source software OpenNebula and meant to help researchers dynamically adjust resources to their computing needs. The workshop will be held by OpenNebula engineers and includes sessions for beginners as well as advanced Cloud users. The aim is to make LRZ customers familiar with this new service and enable them to benefit the most from the LRZ Compute Cloud.


09:00 Cloud View, Part I
This module presents the cloud view offered by Sunstone and tours through all the basic functionality that is offered to manage the life cycle of Virtual Machines and Flows, as well as the operations that can be done to change its configuration.

10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break

10:45 Cloud View, Part II
(see above)

11:15 EC2 Interface
Explains the usage of the EC2 interface offered by the OpenNebula Cloud.

12:30 – 13:00 Lunch break

13:00  Advanced User View
This module presents the advanced user view offered by Sunstone and tours through all the advanced functionality that is not present in the Cloud view.

14:30 – 14:40 Coffee break

14:40 Making New Appliances, Part I
This module presents the installation of an appliance using an empty disk and an installation CDROM, done entirely through the Sunstone interface

16:00 – 16:10 Coffee break

16:10  Making New Appliances, Part II
(see above)

17:30 Open Session: Q&A

PrerequisitesBasic knowledge of Linux based systems as well as IP network administration. Please bring your own Linux laptop with root access rights. If you can't bring your own computer, please inform us via email to cloud-support@lrz.de; LRZ can then provide a Linux-PC for you.
Teachers:Experts from OpenNebula Systems
Information: www.lrz.de/cloud
Registration:Please register via the LRZ registration form (Please choose course HCLT1S15)