2014-09-08 PRACE PATC Course: Advanced Fortran Topics (HFTN1S14)

Date:Monday, September 8 - Friday, September 12, 2014, 8:30-18:00
Location:LRZ Building, Garching/Munich, Boltzmannstr. 1
Contents:This course, a PRACE Advanced Training Center event, is targeted at scientists who wish to extend their knowledge of Fortran beyond what is provided in the Fortran 95 standard. Some other tools relevant for software engineering are also discussed. Topics covered include
  • object based and object oriented features
  • design patterns
  • generation and handling of shared libraries
  • mixed language programming
  • standardized IEEE arithmetic and exceptions
  • some I/O extensions from Fortran 2003
  • parallel programming with coarrays

To consolidate the lecture material, each day's approximately 4 hours of lecture are complemented by 3 hours of hands-on sessions.

PrerequisitesCourse participants should have basic UNIX/Linux knowledge (login with secure shell, shell commands, simple scripts, editor vi or emacs). Good knowledge of the Fortran 95 standard is also necessary, such as covered in the February course at LRZ.
Teachers:R. Bader, G. Brietzke
Registration:Please register via the LRZ registration form (Please choose course HFTN1S14 once this link is available)