2014-07-08 SuperMUC Review Workshop and User Forum

Date:July 8-9, 2014 10:00 - 17:00
Location:LRZ Building, University campus Garching, near Munich (Lecture room H.E.009, H.E.008, V2C)

SuperMUC, the 3-PetaFlop/s system at LRZ, has been in operation for one and a half years now. We want to take the opportunity to review the results achieved with SuperMUC and present them to the steering committee, the funding agencies, the governmental administrations and the general public.

Together with selected users, LRZ has compiled an extensive review of finished and ongoing projects on SuperMUC. From these reports LRZ has selected about 40 projects which will be invited to present their results at the

SuperMUC Status and Results Workshop in Garching

July 8–9, 2014


During this workshop, a user meeting will also take place at the LRZ which will be a great opportunity to meet users, system administrators and application experts from the LRZ, IBM and Intel. Here we will also present details about the extension of SuperMUC to a 6 PetaFlop/s-System.

Preliminary Agenda:

  • Opening Keynote by Prof. Bode, Head of Board of Directors of LRZ
  • Scientific Tracks
    • Astrophysics, Plasma Physics, CFD
    • Geophysics and Environmental Science
    • Life Science and Chemistry
    • Computational Science and Informatics
  • Application Labs at LRZ, Extreme Scaling Periods
  • New Hardware at LRZ: SuperMIC (Intel Xeon Phi), SuperMUC Phase 2 (additional 3.2 PFlop/s)
  • Visualisation Services: New Remote Visualisation, Powerwall and CAVE
  • User Forum, Q&A
  • Meet your System Administrator

We are looking forward to fruitful discussions between users, system administrators and application experts from LRZ, IBM and Intel.

Teachers:LRZ staff, Workshop participants
Registration:Please register via the LRZ registration form