2014-06-02 Large Scale debugging with Allinea DDT (HADW1S14)

Date:Monday, June 2 2014, 9:00-16:00

LRZ Building, University campus Garching, near Munich.

Contents:This workshop is targeted at SuperMUC users and HPC code developers that need to do large scale debugging on the system. It will provide guidelines and best practices for doing this in the talk section, and will also provide a hands-on section where people can either do debugging on example codes, or try out the learned debugging strategies on their own codes.
  • users must have an existing account on the system
  • good knowledge of compilers and HPC languages and parallelization concepts (MPI, OpenMP) is required
Teacher:Patrick Wohlschlegel (Allinea)
Registration:Please choose course HADW1S14 from the LRZ registration form. Deadline for registration is May 28, 2014.